Monday, November 5, 2012

Ahhh They Got Me!!!

      So, today I went on my monthly trip to the store (which coincidentally has nothing to do with Amy's shopping trip). I only get to go once a month because I don't have a car and I hate to ask for a ride, so I go on rare occasions when I REALLY need something and have a huge list of items that I need. This time I was in desperate need of toothpaste (like to the point that I was using my roommate's toothpaste because I was determined to hold out on going to the store as long as possible).

     As my friends and I were walking around at the store, I noticed that every time I walked by the $5 movie bucket I would find myself frantically skimming the top layer of movies for something interesting (which I always manage to find). If I can't find anything that I like by the time I pass by, I don't get anything. However once I find the first movie, the thought of all of these awesome dvd's for $5 gets to me, and I attack. This causes my original $60 store bill to jump up to about $85 simply because I can't resist the deals (you see now why I don't go to the store often).

     Like Amy said in her blog post, this is a conniving trick to get people like me to buy more than they would have to begin with (I am definitely NOT a no-nonsense shopper). However, the bible says "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13. While the shop does a good job of marketing to us and tempting us with its deals, we need to use self-control to avoid situations like the ones that I put myself in.  But I digress from my main point.

    So I was in desperate need of toothpaste, and not just any toothpaste, Colgate whitening toothpaste with an extra stripe of cinnamon flavoring.
Approximately $2.50

 We finally made it to the toothpaste aisle after my friends dragged me away from the $5 movie bucket and I stared at the aisle for probably a good six or seven minutes. My beloved toothpaste brand was no where to be found! My friend Anna, seeing my dilemma, tried to help me:

Anna: The cheapest brand is AIM!

Me: AIM? I've never heard of that.

Anna: Oh, it works pretty good and its inexpensive.

Aim Multi-Benefit Cavity Protection Ultra Mint Gel Toothpaste, 6 ozApproximately $0.85

Me: Oh okay... (continues to look around)

Anna: What are you looking for?

Me: I really want something that whitens your teeth.

Anna: Oh, you can use peroxide for that!

Me: Peroxide??? As in, Hydrogen Peroxide? H2O2? The stuff you put on cuts?

Anna: Yeah! I saw it on Pinterest; you just use a cue-tip and rub it on your teeth! and its super cheap!

Me: Ooh Thats a good idea! (Proceeds to grab the Colgate "Whitens with Peroxide and Baking Soda" toothpaste) 
Colgate Baking Soda Peroxide Whitening Oxygen Bubbles Fluoride Toothpaste Brisk Mint 6.4oz.Approximately $2.00

............ *facepalm*................ They Got Me...

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